HelloMatza! HelloKitty! [RO/EN]

Day 747, 04:58 Published in Romania Romania by Xigna
Ma trezesc azi dimineata si ce vad? Adiemus la noi a castigat (ii urez mult succes) avand ca unul din obiective capturarea regiunii HelloMatza a ungurilor. Pe cealalta parte, Kopanel, marele viteaz e tare setos dupa ceva apa din Transilvania.

Tic-Tac pentru Kopanel. Desigur doreste sa ii deschidem MPP-urile (cum altfel mai castiga si Ungaria o lupta?), dar din pacate, noi avem alta tinta.
Un taram indepartat, aproape de originile migratoare ale maghiarilor, acolo in Asia, Heilongjiang (sau mai simplu, HelloMatza / HelloKitty)

Eu stiind ca Adiemus e un baiat finut, am asa o presimtire ca de Craciun sau de Revelion, cu un spritz bun intr-o mana si cu un carnat in cealalta, vom cuceri HelloMatza.
Deja simt pe limba gustul amar a lacrimilor maghiare, mmmm ce delicioase. Nu le-am mai simtit de ceva vreme, dar sunt excelente la gust 😃

Lasand jocul la o parte, stiu ca in realitate ne intelegem mai bine cu maghiarii, si doresc sa le urez tuturor, Sarbatori Fericite si un An Nou mai Bun!

English Version

I wake up this morning and what do you think I've noticed? Adiemus won the elections in Romania (I wish him good luck) having as one of his objectives the capture of the Hungarian HelloKitty region. Over the border, in Hungary, Kompany the brave won his elections and he thirsts for some Trasilvanian water.

Tic-Tac for Kompany. Of course he wants us to attack Hungary to open their MPPs (how else can Hungary win a battle?), but sadly, we have a different target.
A distant land, close to the Hungarian migratory roots, up there in Asia, Heilongjiang (popularly known as HelloKitty / HelloMatza)

I know that Adiemus is a stand up guy, so I have a premonition that on X-mass or New Year's eve, we'll conquer HelloKitty with a glass of wine in one hand and a sausage in the other.
I can already feel the bitter-sweet taste of Hungarian tears on my tongue, mmmm delicious! I haven't tasted them in quite some time, but they're exquisite 😃

Game aside, I know that in RL we are all friends and I wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!