The Idea of REAL wargames between Hungary and Romania.... is STUPID

Day 692, 09:52 Published in Romania Romania by Xigna

Hi, my name is Flaholflifiliaomania Krummpannnyonyny (erm, or something like that, I don't speak Mordor Language), and I think that a wargame between Romania and Hungary is a good idea.

We certainly don't have the nuts (as in walnuts) to attack Romania, we just had some tiny nuts (as in peanuts) to attack them when they were fighting on 3 or 4 fronts, that's called bravery.

Like seriously, why don't you activate our MPPs and give us the opportunity to spam some other extremist Hungarian sites. Seriously, that would be awesome, like we sign 30 MPPs and you with your 12 MPPs can attack us, that would be excellent, and we promise we won't try to conquer you.
We could really use a baby boom right now, our population is slowly dimming down (from 18,000 a month ago to 15,000 now; and 13,000 by the end of November).

Why would we attack you with 30 MPPs and let everyone else do our job like we let UK, Portugal, France and Indonesia do in North America. Look how well that turned out for Indonesia, France and the rest of them.

On a more serious note, I don't think any sane Romanian president would consider a war game with Hungary, and if they do, than they should join the old FBI party and scream "FRENCH TO, OMG, FRENCH TO!!!".

Funneh Update:
I got dozens of PMs and all players from Romania and Hungary and I've come to the conclusion that some people are actually stupid and are really considering my idea.
Here are some ideas:
- Invite other countries too, to create a more intersting game (but more on Hungary's side of course)
- Create objectives and turns according to the fixed borders (Why fight with honor and courage when we can just overpower?)
- We can offer stakes, to make the game serious. The stake is won by that party who fullfiles the winning objectives of a given turn ("OMG OMG, we conquered a Romanian region without actually fighting, how brave am I?")

PS: I thought of another objective, I, Flaholflifiliaomania Krummpannnyonyny will try to learn some English or at least how to use the spell check in Firefox.

Flaholflifiliaomania Krummpannnyonyny
MoFo of Fungary