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[Regjeringen] Dag 1003 - Rikets tilstand

13 Day 1,003, 02:29 Published in Norway Norway

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Sommerferien er over og kjente fjes read more »

[Regjeringen] Dag 1000 - eNorway Rising!

13 Day 1,000, 04:28 Published in Norway Norway

See below for a summary in English

eRepublik feirer 1000-dagsdag i dag (puh!), og denne runde datoen markerer også begynnelsen på en ny tid for read more »

[Regjeringen] Day 999 - State of the nation & things

5 Day 999, 11:01 Published in Norway Norway

So, here we are - on the last day of the New World millennium. It is time to make a fresh start for eNorway on a great many things. Here's an update for you with links to some useful reading.

If you are new to eNorway or returning from … read more »

[Regjeringen] Party president elections 15 Aug 2010 - Update 3 @ 11:00

10 Day 998, 09:38 Published in Norway Norway

This is an official statement from the government of eNorway. These elections are not considered to be safe, and the state of martial law which has been lasting since July is still in effect. Democracy and politics must unfortunately be set aside read more »

[MoPR] Day 994 - State of the nation

7 Day 994, 14:55 Published in Norway Norway

So many weird things are going on at the moment, and we are still in a state of wait-and-see when it comes to the development of a number of things. It should be rather safe to say that things basically can't get much worse than this, so we just read more »