[Regjeringen] Day 999 - State of the nation & things

Day 999, 11:01 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
So, here we are - on the last day of the New World millennium. It is time to make a fresh start for eNorway on a great many things. Here's an update for you with links to some useful reading.

If you are new to eNorway or returning from summer slumber and wonder what the hell happened, this article will bring you up to spee😛
- Yan Hoek: Norway - What the hell happened?

Party president elections
In July, political takeoverists exploited vacation absence and the general chaos after the Rising launch to seize control over almost all our politicial parties. Our effort in today's election to take back our political parties from hostile agents seems to work well this far. If you haven't voted yet, check up on our updated elections article before you do.

The new food mechanisms
Please read Minister of Trade and Foreign Affairs Yan Hoek's excellent update (link below) on how food and housing will work from now on. The exact date for the change is not set, but it will probably be in the near future. There will be a new "Eat food" button placed in the left menu bar, just below the health and happiness level indicators:

- Yan Hoek: The New Food Rules

Situation report from the Canadian suburbs
Four days ago, Canada started their Operation Single Malt by attacking United Kingdom in Wales and Scotland. Yesterday, Canada conquered Vestlandet and immediately launched a resistance war to prevent conquest attacks from UK or Russia. Even with 7 active MPPs against Canada's zero, this underscores the general Norwegian opinion that UK have a hard time accomplishing anything military unless there is some foul play to rely on. This time there were no bugs, PTOs or rogue nepponses paving the road, hence UK is now on being colonized by Canada. We'll get back with more information on Vestlandet's future later.
- Canadian Prime Minister: Yorkshire Pudding With A Side Of Vestlandet
- Rowan Quigley: Canadia-UK war: Day 1 to 4

The government needs your help and participation
At the moment, the Norwegian government consists of President Freke, Minister of Trade and Foreign Affairs Yan Hoek and Minister of Defense Bob Turkee. We could use a pair of extra hands, particularly to build up the new Immigrations service towards new citizens. Send Freke a message if you are willing to do a job for the country.
- Freke: Governmental and official positions

Tomorrow is Day 1000 of the New World and admins have promised that wonderful things will happen. Stay active through the upcoming week - it might be worth it.