[MoPR] Day 994 - State of the nation

Day 994, 14:55 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
So many weird things are going on at the moment, and we are still in a state of wait-and-see when it comes to the development of a number of things. It should be rather safe to say that things basically can't get much worse than this, so we just look ahead and make the best out of it.

The Freke II government - new ministers
Against all odds, we managed to get 66% of the votes for an impeachment of Cl4trap. This means I am now your elected president, no longer just acting as one... I'm very happy to announce that the highly competent Yan Hoek has accepted a combined position as minister of trade/commerce and foreign affairs. Yan is a good friend from the Teknokratene party who has been analysing V2/Rising since it first was presented in Insider articles before summer. The MoFA position means that he will also act as vice president.
Another veteran, Bob Turkee, has accepted the demanding position as Minister of Defense. This is a field where a lot of reorganising will have to be done, and the rules of combat are still changing (see below).

Vacant governmental positions
I have earlier requested people to apply via private message for governmental positions. The response hasn't exactly been...ah...overwhelming. The other positions as described in this article are still available. The requirements (particularly Norwegian language skills) are moderated to be suggestive. If you think you have something to contribute with, send me a message about what and why.

Job positions
The job market is improving as new companies are emerging in Svalbard & Jan Mayen. In addition to the current private companies offering occupation, we are planning on establishing some state run companies to ensure available jobs and stimulate the economy. The job market is monitored closely by the government and congress, and we will make sure new vacancies are posted if the job market dries out. If no jobs are available for your skill level, check for "All Professions" on the 1-Apprentice level, and make contact with the company owner to have the salary adjusted to your actual level.

More tax changes
Currently, there are tax proposals put under congressional vote to cut import tax on hospitals and defense systems. These components of region infrastructure will be important to us, and we need to open up for a certain availability in the Norwegian market since domestic manufacturing of these will most likely be limited in the foreseeable future.

Party president elections
The party president elections are held on Sunday August 15. Almost all our parties were taken over by hostile citizens last month. This month, we are going to take them all back again and get going again with politics. More information on this will follow, but everyone should educate themselves on the role of the Party President by reading this article:
Party Presidency for Dummies

Day 1000 celebration and game changes
Hopefully, the outcome of the party president elections will give us a reason to celebrate. But the Supreme Beings (admins) claim they have a treat for us regarding the 1000th day anniversary as well, so next week might be jollier than those we have put behind us this summer. Read more about this in this eRepublik Insider article. Please also update yourself on the following Insider article regarding changes to the military module and how food consumption and houses will affect health from now on.

We are giving priority to get Immigrasjonsverket back into active work and to organise a better system for integrating new citizens and assist them and others. New sources of information and procedures will be presented later.