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[TH]o New Things in New Zealand

6 Day 1,053, 19:04 Published in New Zealand New Zealand

Mae govannen!

Thingol and New Zealand have met each other. The power of the Ring attracted me, and I could not resist. New Things are born.

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[TH]o Luthfisnet, keep your promises!

11 Day 1,024, 23:17 Published in Thailand Thailand

Luthfisnet, you promised to me to give back the stolen money.

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[TH]o All the current topics that deserve a comment

4 Day 1,019, 23:57 Published in Thailand Thailand

Dear citizens of Thailand,

we have experienced a rather uncoordinated political scene in August, and Thailand has not moved forward. I have seen better times here, with political discussions and sound decisions. It is time to leave a few comments

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[TH]o Congress: Learn about eRepublik economics before you change taxes

7 Day 980, 22:42 Published in Thailand Thailand

I am referring to today's tax change for iron which passed congress at a huge majority. The new taxes encourage people to work in iron companies and even to create new iron companies in Thailand, whereas import of foreign iron is now taxed higher.

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[TH]o Why don't I see PUP on the ballots?

9 Day 978, 00:17 Published in Thailand Thailand

Why don't I see PUP candidates on the ballots of today's congress elections???

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