[TH]o All the current topics that deserve a comment

Day 1,019, 23:57 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

Dear citizens of Thailand,

we have experienced a rather uncoordinated political scene in August, and Thailand has not moved forward. I have seen better times here, with political discussions and sound decisions. It is time to leave a few comments on different topics:

Law Proposals

We have seen a lot of random law proposals in August, and some of them got accepted accidentally. I want to remind everybody:
Before a congress member or a president proposes a law, he must start a discussion. Only after at least 24 hours of discussion, he may start the law proposal. This is also included in our Constitution. If congress members see a law proposal that does not have a link to a discussion area, or if the discussion area does not show a 24 hours discussion relevant to the law proposal, all congress members shall vote NO. The only exception that does not need a discussion is the donation of foreign currency to the Central Bank of Thailand, as this currencies have no use in the treasury.

Our Economy

Our economy is in a bad shape. Salaries are low, and many people are still working in the inefficient raw material companies. There are only a few high quality companies in operation. Fortunately, admins decided to help us. In the latest insider they announced to eliminate the professions and put all working experience into one single skill. This is beneficial, especially for small economies as ours. There will be more competition for the best workers, and salaries will rise. And all people who missed to migrate their skill to manufacturing or construction can now work at such companies, too. We will finally be able to utilize the workers of the raw material companies for the more productive sectors.

Tax Rates

The many uncoordinated and undiscussed laws have brought disorder to our tax system. I have started a thread in the congress section of our forum to discuss the restoring of the orderly tax rates: Tax rates discussion thread. Congress members, please join the discussion and after 24 hours start proposing the laws.


Our current president Luthfisnet has proposed many trade embargoes. These trade embargoes hurt our weak economy much more than the larger economies of our trade partners. From now on, congress members should vote NO on all embargo proposals, except Denmark. 😉

New Citizen Message

The current message to new citizens is unbalanced, as it suggests to join one particular party. This is a misuse of power. I demand a new message that is fair and contains a link to our forum.

Peace with Indonesia

Peace with Indonesia has been proposed several times, but never got accepted. I understand that there is resentment, as Indonesia is occupying Southern Thailand. People do not want to make peace with an aggressor. But I have a different opinion.
1. We do not need Southern Thailand. Our small population has enough room in 4 regions (actually, 2 or 3 would be enough), and Southern Thailand does not have high raw materials. We also do not need its strategic value, as we do not have the military power to utilize it.
2. Indonesia is the strong guy. They have the military power to utilize the strategic value, and they need this region more than we do.
3. I want to make real peace with Indonesia. Southern Thailand is something that we can offer in return for military peace and a PTO stop.

Presidential Elections

In a few minutes, the September presidential elections will start. We have 5 candidates, and I want to give a few comments:

Luthfisnet: Although he is the current president, he is still a PTOer. He did not do big damage, but he brought more damage than prosperity (see above). Also, I still have to see him keep his promise to return the stolen THB to the Central Bank of Thailand. In summary, he is better than other PTOers, but not my first choice.

Loouman: He would have been my first choice because of the great work he did for Thailand as a minister, but he took himself out of the race.

Luis_Hez: He is my first choice now. He has been a reliable citizen of Thailand for a longer time, and his political experience includes a ministry. He is also the only candidate who has laid down his plans for Thailand.

Okanius: He is an experienced politician, but he has not been here for long (only 45 days), and he has not worked as a minister in Thailand. According to the Constitution, he is not eligible as president. He could, however, make a good minister.

maoli633: He is very young. I never saw him politically active, and he does not even have a newspaper. He should first become an active congress member, then a minister, and afterwards try to run for president.

To sum up, my recommendation is to vote for Luis_Hez!