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A Change arising in eAustria......

4 Day 761, 01:37 Published in Austria Austria

eAustria seems as though it is about to bloom just like a flower would bloom in the spring or how a caterpillar would begin the cycle that would eventually lead up to the new life of a young butterfly. Kinda over exaggerated there as it is not much

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~German, Slovenian and Hungarian Version of Congress Application~

3 Day 759, 00:55 Published in USA USA


Format entnommen alte Konto]

Alle der folgenden Aussagen angeblich aus Fakten und Erfahrungen

Greetings fellow eAustria eRepublik und Bürger. Ich fühle mich, als ob ich darauf hinweisen, dass viele Menschen, bei der Ausführung für

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Ciel Phantom for Congress in Styria

6 Day 759, 00:41 Published in USA USA

[Format taken from old account]

All of the following statements said are based off fact and experience.

Greetings fellow eAustria and eRepublik citizens. I feel as though I

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Retaliation to Andrew Stokes

10 Day 753, 19:07 Published in USA USA

Pure failness again. Now lets see, I cant lie, this is an interesting debate. Blossom101 and Metaman are not myself as you can see because we all have different server times and still are on at the same time. By the way since you asked for proof

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Why Andrew Stokes needs to Shut up

9 Day 753, 11:07 Published in USA USA

Dear citizens of eRepublik. This article describes several reasons why Mr.Andrew Stokes needs to shut the hell up.
If you're completely lost, read this

Now, here

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