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New Citizen Initiative

8 Day 768, 11:03 Published in Austria Austria

New Citizen Initiative

Incase some of you are bewildered about the tittle, have no fear, I shall explain. As I stated in my presentation, eAustria needs more citizens that can live up to ranks and be apart of the change for eAustria. … read more »

Moving into The Government Building and a Open solution to Company Owners

10 Day 767, 09:25 Published in Austria Austria

Moving into The Government Building

Ah, at last, a seat in Congress. That means alot to someone like myself. I spent a good amount of time on my presentation and will leave it open in case those of you without a solid platform would like … read more »

Ciel Phantom for Congress in Styria [Re-Done]

0 Day 762, 19:48 Published in Austria Austria

Note: Some of you may have happened to notice that my newspaper was recently re-located to eaAustria, so I am re-writing my Congress article here as it was intended to be seen by eAustrians. If I a mistakened and the majority of the readers happened

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What An Odd Year - Chapter Five

4 Day 761, 18:53 Published in Austria Austria

Chapter 5-The Vacation!
____ "Hey guys!" Kotaro says running towards them. "Guess what I won?! Free tickets to Florida! Woo! I mean...Dude...FREE!" Kotaro yells. "That's better then free food!-Even though I got none..."

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World War IV: USA vs Iran

0 Day 761, 12:47 Published in Austria Austria

This battle is pretty interesting in my opinion, I just happened to click a link that directed me to the battle field. Pure tankers. I decided to sit and watch the screen for some reason and after seeing hundreds of 300+ damage, I see someone do -12,

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