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New Citizen Initiative - Ended.

5 Day 776, 16:52 Published in Austria Austria

New Citizen Initiative - Ended

For those who have been following up on my articles, you might recall the New Citizen Initiative. It was an initiative where read more »

What An Odd Year - Chapter Six and Seven

2 Day 775, 10:03 Published in Austria Austria

I clearly did not forget about my series. Now, if you are lost, please scroll through my articles and look for the other chapters, otherwise, enjoy. Oh and by the way, planning to stop the series after chapter fifteen to start a longer one.

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Who I'm Rooting for in Presidential Elections

30 Day 774, 12:26 Published in Austria Austria

I feel ashamed of my last article as it turned into debate grounds. Some just hold grudges, others like i said, just debate about the matter. Im not one to hold a grudge. eAustria is too much of a country for grudges between ePoliticians to be held,

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Socialist Party Overview and An Interesting day in eRepublik.

17 Day 773, 15:58 Published in Austria Austria

Socialist Party Overview

Elections -

Considering The Socialist Party was brought up again just before the Congressional elections and that only a few members were active, I would say that Party President Stancel was quick to review and … read more »

Ciel Phantom's Congress Progress

6 Day 771, 07:29 Published in Austria Austria

Just to get everyone informed/caught up with what I am doing as a Congress Member. Although I havent paid the three gold that goes towards the country just as yet(plan on paying tomorrow), I think I have done an okay job, no?


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