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The Final Results: August Party Presidential Elections

6 Day 637, 14:00 Published in Japan Japan

Party Elections: The Close, the Expected, and the Apathetic.

Saturday August 15, Japan held the voting period for elections of our multiple party presidents. A party president, as many of you are aware, controls each party and can decide to do

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Conference Conclusions: A divided plan of action

18 Day 630, 18:28 Published in Japan Japan

Since their arrival the South Koreans and the North Koreans were greeted with mixed blessings as refugees in our country, some welcomed them openly, other assumed they would return home soon, and others felt that Japan, her culture and her … read more »

IRC: Here be Crazies

4 Day 625, 03:18 Published in Japan Japan

The world of eRepublik spans many online universes. There are many means in which to participate and communicate with your fellow citizens and your government: news articles like this one and its comments, the forums on site and the private forums … read more »

08/04/09 Interview with Oraizan

21 Day 622, 23:15 Published in Japan Japan

Hello and welcome to the interview, my name is Fae. Before we begin with the questions could you please introduce yourself to the readers.

My name is Oraizan. I am a long time eJapanese citizen, congresswoman, and running for President of … read more »

08/04/09 Interview with Minamoto

45 Day 622, 23:09 Published in Japan Japan

Hello and welcome to the interview, my name is Fae. Before we begin with the questions could you please introduce yourself to the readers.

Thanks Ms. Fae. I'm Minamoto Yoritomo, a Captain of the Japanese Imperial Expeditionaries and … read more »