Conference Conclusions: A divided plan of action

Day 630, 18:28 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

Since their arrival the South Koreans and the North Koreans were greeted with mixed blessings as refugees in our country, some welcomed them openly, other assumed they would return home soon, and others felt that Japan, her culture and her government, were under direct attack by the coming of the Koreans.

The presidential election proved to hold the climax of such tensions. The region divided. Some claimed that the presidency was ‘stolen’ by these refugees who still claimed their old lands as home, and others shouted and defended their right to vote.

A conference was held Tuesday August 11, 2009 in an IRC chat room to further discuss the issue in order to reach a peaceful conclusion. Those who entered the room were greeted with the following message “By participating in this discussion, you are agreeing that the selected journalists can quote you on anything you say.” As a select journalist, I thus have full permission to use quotes from that discussion. However for the ease of readers I will attempt to limit my quotes and I will be mainly paraphrasing.

The main topic on everyone’s mind was “Now what?” or to put it more specifically, “What is the future for the Koreans in Japan?”

The answer divided into two categories:

1) The South Koreans will liberate what Japan had taken in a Revolutionary War, and move home to re-establish their government with the blessings and assistance of Japan.

2) The North Koreans will not be able to liberate their home under PEACE ordinance, and thus will have the option to remain in Japan and fully integrate into Japanese society, or join the South Koreans.

Further details follow.

South Korea
On the issue of South Korea, most of the conference discussed means and strategies that I will not post here, but overall the Japanese government is ready and willing to assist the South Koreans in their liberation plan.

The main concerns are typical. Who will be moving, who will stay, and how will South Korea defend itself against Party Take Overs (PTOs).

The matter on the transferring of the South Korean and North Korean citizens to the liberated zone is significant. Former North Koreans are welcome, but the South Koreans want to know in advance who is moving as to ensure that the migrating North Koreans are treated as comrades, and not suspected. It also aides in keeping a Korean citizenship list, and ensuring that list is a majority Korean.

This is due to the significant threat PTO’s pose within the founding period. Japan may send over experienced members to further assist the Koreans with ensuring that PTOing does not occur during the founding period. Regardless Japan will be assisting to ensure the transfer is peaceful and painless.

North Korea

PEACE has informed those concerned that North Korea will not be handed back to the North Koreans, leaving any option for them to act similar to the South Koreas in regaining their homeland, an impossible idea.

The remaining options that the North Koreans have will be acted on by each citizen to their own choosing. North Koreans will ultimately have to integrate into a society, and become a member of that society. Whether they choose to remain in Japan, or join their brethren in South Korea, will be up to the individual player however. It is unsure how many will pick this option; however there is a likely-hood that many former North Koreans will opt to remain in Japan.

Due to earlier tensions, this prospect was discussed at length.

The following is a simple Q+A with questions from various participants including myself on the topic of those North Koreans remaining in Japan. The formatting has been changed for ease of reading, and again, I have full permission to use these quotes.

Fae: Are there any SK or NK who want to remain in Japan? If so would there be any method of absorbing them?
Yonai_Keiko: any SK who remain in Japan have already been naturalized, considering the time they've spent here.
Dokomo: It seems that the majority of North Koreans will be remaining in Japan. We are interested in working with the government of Japan in finding ways to integrate our people peacefully

Minamoto: Dokomo, AfanasiyDrago, I'm aware of many concerns regarding the long term goals of North Korea. Do you have any plan in mind?
Dokomo: Our current plans are for those NK's currently in Japan to begin to take a more active social role within the #eJapan areas: Forums etc. We will be active in media, politics, society, and industry
Minamoto: Are those long term plans?
Dokomo: Our long terms plans are more difficult to ascertain

Fae: What methods would you suggest, considering the current animosities held by certain japanese?
Dokomo: we hope that increased activity will help people understand us and will change their initial opinions of us
Minamoto: I'd also agree with Dokomo on that, Fae

Fae: What efforts would the NKers be willing to make twords showing those of the japanese who are against, that they are honestly willing to hold japan first?
Dokomo: North Koreans will, as I said, be working to integrate themselves into Japanese life. We expect that it will take time to show the Japanese people that our intentions are honorable. We understand that we will not be trusted with any real responsibilities for quite some time. And we accept that, but we will do our best to explain our ideals and urge others that we are here for the good of both peoples.
Minamoto: and they are welcome as far as I'm aware
AfanasiyDrago: Some eJapanese also have it in their minds that we are associated with Kim Jong Rad and the Juche following, causing them to greatly dislike us. That is extremely far from the truth, as the Juche following still remains in eChina and never made it's way to eNorth Korean.
Dokomo: Yes, please do note that the eNK populace is mostly made up of MMO gamers, completely unassociated with any eRep organization older than 3 months ago.We are nearly all of us complete newbs

Fae: Dokomo: if PEACE, and ally of Japan, is informing your people that your land is no longer your own, why would the Nkers want to join a PEACE country?
Dokomo: NK wants to join Japan for several reasons. One, is the close geography. Second, Japan has proven itself to be a nation of the highest morals and ideals in its actions by guarding the nation of South Korea. Japan is truly a friend to the dispossessed. Three, Japan shares some cultural similarities to the Korean peninsula. Four, Japan is uninvolved in wars or foreign entanglements. Five, Japan, as a part of Peace can be a voice for any Korean affairs in PEACE.

Fae:Dokomo; As a follow up - [17:09] Five, Japan, as a part of Peace can be a voice for any Korean affairs in PEACE -> if the SKers are leaving, wouldn't this assume a divided Korean perspective? Further, why should japan internally divide itself on international issues to accommodate remaining koreans?
Dokomo: Since Japan has shown itself to be an advocate for South Korea by it's recent actions, and by graciously hosting us North Koreans, I think Japan can act as a voice within PEACE where the two Koreas are not members. Perhaps I should have said North and/or South Korea instead of pluralizing them. Does that explain my thoughts?
Fae: Thanks Dokomo - I guess what I am concerned about is that if NKers are trying to merge with Japan, then our changed relationship would ideally be to be of a simular kind, voicing for former NKers should be the same as voicing for any other japanese. but that is merely my impression and idealism
Dokomo: I see Fae. Then yes I can assure you that North Koreans place a lot of faith in the Japanese government and it's ability to look out for all it's citizens regardless of their nationality: North Korean, South Korean, or Japanese
Fae: Thank you.

GenoGaron: Japan, as everyone knows, is a founding member of the PEACE Global Community. Also, the recent destruction of eNorth Korea came at the hands of said same alliance. Do eNorth Korea, her leaders or her citizens, have any designs to change or disrupt Japan's position and membership in PEACE, because of the above statement?
Dokomo: No, PEACE itself is a wonderful idea for a defensive alliance between nations. It's actions may be suspect, but given the rules of the PEACE charter as I have read them, I can find no reason why Japan should not be part of PEACE

The conversation regarding PEACE and Japan’s involvement in the alliance then gradually became the main topic of discussion as the summit began to wind down.

While the road may still appear bumpy ahead, President Minamoto and the other representatives at the conference remained hopeful about the future prosperity of both the Korean, and Japanese, state.

Minamoto: And with that, this Summit ends at 18:07, day 630 of the new world 🙂

As a curtesy, since some of the matters that were discussed are not pertaining to my article, I have set aside the end of the article for quotes/Q+A’s that were requested but otherwise did not flow into the main article.

//The Opening statements//

M-Ursu:Good afternoon, honorable leadership and citizens of Japan, South Korea and North Korea. We are gathered here in Tokyo today to discuss the future between our nations. By participating in this discussion, you are agreeing that the selected journalists can quote you on anything you say.
M-Ursu: Japan will make its initial statement first, then South Korea, then North Korea. Leadership and Journalists are free to ask questions after the initial statements and discussion will commence.
M-Ursu: Any questions about the procedures?
Yonai_Keiko: No questions, it seems. Minamoto?
Minamoto: Thanks for coming. I'll now make Japan's statement. I'm of the opinion that intimate relations between our 3 nations would serve to promote stability and prosperity in the future. Japan intends to help South Korea with a peaceful independance initiative and would like to continue to work with the South Korean government to ensure its re-entry into the New World is a smooth one. The North Korean refugees have our sympathy and are free to seek asylum within Japan for an extended period of time. We expect the citizens of North Korea to respect our culture and customs and we ask the Japanese citizens make it mutual. If Japan is ever in a position to help the North Koreans, we are willing to try.

M-Ursu: Ok, we heard Japan. South Korea, please:
smily132: Hello, I'm smily132 and I will be presenting South Korea's statement. Currently, our target date for independence is day 650 of the new world. To achieve this, we need to have eJapanese government allow us to win our resistance war. After that, assuming we have a Korean majority in congress we would like to sign a MPP with with Japan, get an invite to Sol, and be allowed to commence resistance wars in our other pre merge regions. After all of that has been accomplished, we wish to continue our friendly relationship with eJapan. We also want to be able to negociate the return of other regions if or when we would like to receive them. As for eNorth Korea, we would like an estimate on how many North Koreans will joining us in eSouth Korea upon release. We need to know this because it heavily impacts our planning for the future of Korea. We are glad that the eNorth Koreans are able to join our nation and hopefully they will allow us to one day become a completely united Korea.
Yonai_Keiko: One little note of clarification Due to smily failing at grammar. As Alfa just pointed out in #eJapan, we intend to be independent BY Day 650, not ON Day 650
smily132: right.. sorry about that anyway moving on…We won’t reveal our entire timetable, but our main plan is to create a one region country with a Korean congress, and a reasonably paced release of our other regions as the situation allows it. We do however plan to remain neutral as we have been as far as PEACE is concerned. Although due to our good history and friendship with eJapan we wish to become a member of Sol. We plan to have a free market economy with some state run companies in the areas where needed. These will mainly be used to store products for emergency situations that may come up in our future, and possibly for selling reasonably priced products to the Korean Populace. The KRW will likely be controlled by the government by keeping the rate within a certain range allowing economic stability.

M-Ursu: Moving on, North Korea, please:
AfanasiyDrago: hello thank you
ladvidicus: Die for Drago!!
AfanasiyDrago: it doesn't look like we're going to get our country back anytime soon, so until party of our population is going to be intregrating into both south korea and japan
Dokomo: North Korea comes to this summit today with heavy hearts for we still feel the loss of our homeland. It is our greatest hope though that we can find kindred spirits here in Japan. We thank the Japanese leadership and people for their refuge from the War that engulfs this world. And we pledge to work hard in industry, politics, and society to bring about a better future for our three people.

//Misc. Quotes//

Dokomo: You remained consistently opposed to the loan of Kyushu
Minamoto: I did
Dokomo: But, in your opinion, were more Congressmen swayed by the increased financial incentives or by the idea of "keeping Japan from Crumbling" as one Congressmen so eloquently put it.
Minamoto: I think the congress was swayed by people not wholly financial gain. "Keep Japan from crumbling" was not fully explored
Dokomo: How so? There seemed to be two things that changed between votes, the increased compensation and this nebulous words that entered the discussion. Can you explain exactly what Indonesia communicated to Japan?
Minamoto: No, as I resigned from Cabinet and took no further part. Apparantly, the only people that would know, would be Oraizan and Akki
Dokomo: I see, it's unfortunate there are no Cabinet members from that time here tonight