The Final Results: August Party Presidential Elections

Day 637, 14:00 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

Party Elections: The Close, the Expected, and the Apathetic.

Saturday August 15, Japan held the voting period for elections of our multiple party presidents. A party president, as many of you are aware, controls each party and can decide to do anything from support the active party, or take the party over and make it what you will.

This is the prime season for Political Take Overs or PTOs. This election we saw many such occurrences. With a few inactive parties, interested members of the Japanese citizenship decided to toss out 2 gold and try their luck.

In general we saw three kinds of elections throughout the day yesterday:

1. An One Person election
2. A Landslide election
3. A Close election

Many of our parties enjoyed a fairly uneventful One Person election. Candidates like KITA Ikki had no issue and no need for votes in order to secure their position as the next party president. This is the ideal situation for any candidate. In fact KyonKyon successfully took over the Liberal Party last night by a similar means.

There were only a few landslide victories last night. Yuuko of the United Lollies had an overwhelming victory in her party as did Akki.

But easy victories like the first two are hardly interesting or keep any of us up at night. The three most interesting races of the evening were for the Black Dragon Party, the Orange Party, and The Korean National Party.

Everyone knew that the election between Smily and Goku would be perhaps the most interesting election this month, and they were right. Goku ended up running away with the election, but the numbers were nothing to bat an eye at. The Korean National Party jumped to first ranking party in the Country, and a fair number of its members voted last night.

Despite the initial hype and active campaigning, this election run was fairly settled early on, and lost a bunch of pizzazz, citizens of Japan shifted their eyes from the Former North Korean’s apparent victory onto two smaller party elections which were running fairly close.

The first of these was what spectators had thought to be a fairly one sided, or landslide election. Geno, former head of the Orange party had nominated Walorm to take his position in the election. Many favored Walorm’s victory. However he wasn’t running alone. DemD, a fairly new player, took Walorm to game. He ran a campaign with articles, and was active in expressing his views.

Still no one could have predicted that for a majority of the day, and even at the last second, these two tied 9-9 for the position of party president. However due to eRepublik tie breaker laws; the player with the greater experience wins ties. Thus Walorm has won the election for the Orange party.

The battle for the dead Black Dragon Party was nearly just as heated. Throughout the day both candidates were tied for the position, however, at the end of the day Lejina broke away with a significant lead

The most annoying part about this election would be the slow update of the winners by the Admin staff. Players had to wait over two days to see the clear results, and for the power of the parties to be properly transferred.

We hope that with all the updates to the website they have been making, that next time the transition is much faster.