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The Morning After

27 Day 908, 01:26 Published in USA USA

Today, day 907, the eUS experienced a wonderful journey of love, desperation, and [url=

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JP's Bizarre Adventure [Part 2]

17 Day 904, 12:56 Published in USA USA

ITA: I took too long to write it

Onishi and I landed in London after taking off from the airport after what seemed like forever. We boarded a plane that's final destination was Stockholm. Before we got off, we added a special gas to … read more »

JP's Bizarre Adventure [Part 1]

20 Day 894, 01:36 Published in USA USA

eRepublik began normal as it always does, I worked for low wages, I trained with Napoleon since I’M HARD LIKE THAT, and GLaDOS was SO drunk and was telling everyone about it. The newfags were frolicking with their usual hurr faces and

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Good Morning Ladies

5 Day 890, 23:28 Published in USA USA

The other day, I was shown the hottest movie in all of Youtube. Hotter than softcore and Gates Schellinger's goat porn videos. Now, this video is not meant for virgin ears and keep your keyboard at a safe but reachable distance before hand

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Goin down ta Georgia

11 Day 885, 14:11 Published in USA USA

Y'all nee t' listen' t' me while I tell y'all 'bout my run fer Kongress in Georgia. Ma momma were a single motha after ma papa lef' her for a better life in tha' North, leavin' me and her t' fend fer ourselves which led t' me workin' since I could

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