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[Day 972] First Day of War Mod/Washington

6 Day 653, 13:48 Published in USA USA

14:33 eRep Time: The Washington battle isn't working for me so this is all I will have for now.

Due to my boredom and wanting to do something different for once, I'm going to try and show and explain the major battle that I'm looking at, it might

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JP's Bizarre Adventure

7 Day 647, 00:40 Published in USA USA

eRepublik began normal as it always does, I worked for low wages, I trained with Napoleon since I’M HARD LIKE THAT, and GLaDOS was SO drunk and was telling everyone about it. The newfags were frolicking with their usual hurr faces and there

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The Sunk Costs Fallacy

21 Day 645, 12:19 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Usually this phrase is heard in the form of an economic expression as the sunk cost dilemma in which a considerable amount of cost have sunken into a project and whether a person should continue the project that may fail or to discontinue it and cut

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