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17 Day 960, 21:35 Published in USA USA

During V1 after we got our shit kicked, literally kicked out of us and we were down to just Florida, the US adopted the Fortress strategy which is the idea that you put as many people as you can (a van and a certain people takin our jerbs) so

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Kirin Taimu ^-^

4 Day 957, 22:44 Published in USA USA

Tomorrow is a big day, today is the 4th of July and is p great but tomorrow, tomorrow, we pick the next President of the United States which is a p big deal. But this month, we're transitioning into V2 or "eRepublik Rising

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7 Day 956, 17:42 Published in USA USA

Note: I deleted my last article so that I can write the long version

June 30th is now known as GF Day due to an eRepublik moderator, Necrosis a.k.a GF, rage quit and gave away his eRep mod password. So, since I have been involved in this from

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Something Terrible is Going to Happen Tomorrow

10 Day 952, 21:18 Published in USA USA

Has to be on my one year birthday too ;__;

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The Second Morning After

21 Day 950, 15:07 Published in USA USA

If you haven't heard, S.E.E.S. as a party was killed by all elders members. All of them but the führer himself. Now, it might seem odd to most of you to kill a S.E.E.S. party without the consent of the man S.E.E.S. was created for. So, I'm

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