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A new person reborn

11 Day 254, 04:59 Published in Romania Romania

If anyone knows, I have completed the phase of changing my nick game, which was Gaius Marius, to a new one , Athena the Goddess, and star a new life, I have found indeed a soulmate, a loving person, infinity13, although we had some diferent

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Searching for my soulmate

57 Day 253, 03:31 Published in Romania Romania

I have come to a day when i feel the need for someone dear to wait for me from the war field , and someone whom i can give my love and afection, with whom i can have heirs and so on. I will attach a biografy of mine, and i await for one to accept my

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Impreuna pentru o comunitate mai buna

22 Day 252, 01:29 Published in Romania Romania

Astazi, zi istorica 28 iulie 2008, s-a pecetluit Alianta dintre Partidul Managerilor din Romania si Uniunea Crestin Democrata. De astazi, mergem impreuna la alegerile generale, unde, cu mandrie si incredere in suflet, o vom sustine pe elena.coman la

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Concurs de scrieri Erepublik, valabil in orice limba

17 Day 248, 05:43 Published in Romania Romania

Este prima initiativa de acest gen in Eromania. asteptam cat maI MULTE ARTICOLE CARE SA POATA CASTIGA MARELE PREMIU DE 100 DE ron . Tema articolului este: O experienta extraordinara din Erepublik. Puteti scrie in Engleza, Romana, Franceza Spaniola.

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Strategie necesaara de urgenta

11 Day 246, 00:42 Published in Romania Romania

Soldati! Am vazut ca razboiul din Grecia e mai al naibi decat ne-am asteptat. Avem nevoie de o strategie, Avem nevoie de wellness si avem nevoie de arme. Porpun ca in regiunile unde sunt 1 soldat sa intre trei romani, si tot asa
dar la ore spre

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