A new person reborn

Day 254, 04:59 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Athena the Goddess

If anyone knows, I have completed the phase of changing my nick game, which was Gaius Marius, to a new one , Athena the Goddess, and star a new life, I have found indeed a soulmate, a loving person, infinity13, although we had some diferent oppinions in the past i surely think that they are over. In this day i will get married and be a more active part of Erepublik community. I will fight with greater honour for my country, I will be more fierce with my fows, and i will be led by justice and knowledge.

For those who made fun of me i will prove your misjudgement. I am now a complete person and can begin a normal, e-family life.

I wish to give a well deserved thank you for Erepublik team, you guys are wonderful

Happiness for all, Athena the Goddess