Searching for my soulmate

Day 253, 03:31 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Athena the Goddess

I have come to a day when i feel the need for someone dear to wait for me from the war field , and someone whom i can give my love and afection, with whom i can have heirs and so on. I will attach a biografy of mine, and i await for one to accept my proposal.

I work daily, and train as well, i am a tutor, a teacher and a headmaster, i am a field man, i attack my foes and destroy them, I have a q2 house and hopefully i can upgrade it, so i can offer good conditions, and i shall improve them.

The one whom i walk at the shrine i will cover her in love affection and gifts.

I am Gaius Marius, a trusty man, sensitive one, and a hunk as well