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Congressional Report: September 1-7

29 Day 292, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I have picked up where Frufru left off and am continuing to post up a weekly congressional report. These congressmen vote on issues that will directly affect you, whether these are taxes or peace treaties.

Apprenticeship Scheme

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Hassan Pesaran Runs for TUP President

18 Day 291, 06:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

In this article I am announcing that I will be running for Party President of The Unity Party. Although Alain has done a great job increasing activity amongst TUP members within the internal party forums, I believe I can further this by getting read more »

Oxford Times looking for Writers

5 Day 289, 10:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

As the Oxford Times has grown over the weeks, the demand for continued quality articles has increased. I cannot meet this demand by myself, due to other duties i've now committed myself to so the Oxford Times is looking for talented writers who are

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Onrche, President of eTurkey, Permanently Banned

4 Day 287, 10:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Onrche was accused of using multis during the General Elections yesterday in eTurkey and, as a result, has been banned. He was the strongest contendor against the Goons in eTurkey, and now the future for Turkey is unclear.

Onrche then posted a [

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Election Day Concludes

4 Day 287, 01:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

After an extremely tight-run race, KIA Sneak has pulled ahead to become President of the eUK for 3rd month running. Dishmcds was a close second, only losing by four votes after he began as the leader.

Despite losing the Presidential race, both

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