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Congressional Presentation

2 Day 637, 03:50 Published in Canada Canada

Hello, I am Booleus, and would be ecstatic to be given the chance to be a part of Canadian Congress to further the cause of the strengthening of Canada, and Canadian citizens.

Right now some people in eCanada are becoming frustrated, feeling

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What Emerick did should be no suprise

12 Day 636, 21:25 Published in Canada Canada

With Emerick establishing an embassy with PEACE in mid-July long before he was even president, is there any question why he has done what he has done?

It also appears that France has no intentions of leaving Quebec or Asturias, after requesting

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my org and company have been hacked

1 Day 635, 15:50 Published in Canada Canada

two things have happened.

1. Somehow someone has gotten into my org. I had a bunch of investments on the monetary market. Some paid off, and i had notifications that gold had been put in my account. However, nothing was actually in my org

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New Players Read this (V2.0)

1 Day 632, 14:29 Published in Canada Canada

These type of things need to be posted as often as possible to keep new citizens progressing and interested in the game. A very slow start can cause citizens to become bored.

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New Players Read this (V1.6)

2 Day 630, 16:16 Published in Canada Canada

These type of things need to be posted as often as possible to keep new citizens progressing and interested in the game. A very slow start can cause citizens to become bored.

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