my org and company have been hacked

Day 635, 15:50 Published in Canada Canada by Booleus

two things have happened.

1. Somehow someone has gotten into my org. I had a bunch of investments on the monetary market. Some paid off, and i had notifications that gold had been put in my account. However, nothing was actually in my org account. I kept all of my notifications to show that i should have some money in my org (of various currencies) but all had been slowly drained.

2. My company had a bunch of FRF sitting in it. It was inactive. However, daily i would see slight bits of FRF disappears (around 0.80 per day).

Although it was small bits at a time, i have lost probably 3-5 G in the last 5 days. I can assure you, no one guessed my password, because you cannot have one stronger, and it had nothing to do with any language, or any phrases.

The reason I am warning about this, is that I wouldnt have noticed it if I hadnt been watching my company account, and making a spreadsheet. I recommend that everyone watch their account balances daily, because whoever did this withdraws in such small amounts that it takes a while to notice it. Hopefully the admins can get back to me with an IP address of someone who was doing it, or contact their ISP/ban them whatever else they have to do. Unfortunately, my eRepublik ticket is still sitting open, and the person might still have full access (even though i changed my password), even though it was an extremely urgent support ticket.