Congressional Presentation

Day 637, 03:50 Published in Canada Canada by Booleus

Hello, I am Booleus, and would be ecstatic to be given the chance to be a part of Canadian Congress to further the cause of the strengthening of Canada, and Canadian citizens.

Right now some people in eCanada are becoming frustrated, feeling hopeless, and worried about their nation. I strongly believe that a light is coming at the end of the tunnel, and eCanada will rebound from the tough last month that we have had.

Every moment that I spend representing Canadians in congress, I would have one thing on my min😛
What is the best stance to take on this issue, that will make eCanada stronger? How does this help eCanadian citizens? I would do this by making priority #1 Canada having control of our original provinces and territories at any cost. I will confer with other congress members, the president, and strive for a non-partisan solution. I would love to say that there is one single thing that would make canada militarily secure, but I don't know all that it will entail, and I am open and honest about the fact that I will have to have serious discussion with the rest of congress, and senior veteran soldiers to see what we can do to make eCanada the strongest nation out there.

Currently, I am spending a large portion of my time trying to recruit new eCanadians. I also publish a frequent article to try and help jump-start new citizens (with contributions from Calvin Hobbes). A large population of strong players is the only thing that is going to allow Canada to develop to the point that we can readily defend ourselves. Please allow me to press this point in congress, and push the importance of gaining, and fostering new citizens

I ask you to give me the honour of representing you in congress.

DAL Congress Candidate for NS
eCanadian Ambassador to eJapan