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Things you should do

2 Day 833, 13:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

want to do the right thing, and in turn benefit yourself?
then do these 5 things
1) join the forums
just go here and sign up, its the best place to get advice help or anything and will help you get on your way

2) be informed

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Oh dear

1 Day 832, 13:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

well i lost
that sucks
but in other news
nothing has happened
yea we had congress elections and such but it is getting kind of boring
nothing is getting done cuz malta screaming that v2 is almost here(its atleast 2 months away) and the eUK is

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Vote for me in Wales!!!

1 Day 828, 03:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I'm the ukrp candidate for Wales
please read my manifesto and consider voting for me
if you need a moving ticket to vote in Wales we can get you one!!!!
Please vote for me!!!!

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The Elections

0 Day 826, 13:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

as elections draw closer it comes a time to think about a candidate.

For whilst we all have to stay in London to make our region a fortress, it is important to vote for a candidate outside of London because it may end up being that parties using

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0 Day 824, 18:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I am running for Congress in Wales under the UKRP banner, and this is my manifesto.
Why you should vote for me:
1) I am an experienced player, who is active on the forums and irc.
2) I am part of the newspaper team for the UKRP, so i have

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