
Day 824, 18:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

I am running for Congress in Wales under the UKRP banner, and this is my manifesto.
Why you should vote for me:
1) I am an experienced player, who is active on the forums and irc.
2) I am part of the newspaper team for the UKRP, so i have experience in politics.
3) I did not support the treaty and believe that the eUK needs to keep fighting for its allies now that we have agreed.
4) The reconquering of Northern Ireland and the South West of England are top priorities for me
5) I have fought for my country in the navy
6) I believe that taxes should be lowered as soon as we get out accounts in order
7) I am on everyday and will fight for the citizens of the eUK. Try and lower taxes, get more people on the forums, and generally involve the people in the workings of the british government.

In general i am for lower taxes, however i feel that we need to defend ourselves with a strong navy and a larger population. That is why i suggest asking people to make their referral link their Facebook and myspace statuses, and getting people more involved in both the government and navy so that they stay interested in the eUK and will help us defend ourselves and prosper. This is a social game, so i would like to invite more people into our community, and get people on the irc, that way we will all have a better time, and become a larger world power with more people, resources, and strength then we have now.

Finally, i wish to remind you how important it is to support our allies overseas and support our own navy.
Thank you for your time,