Things you should do

Day 833, 13:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

want to do the right thing, and in turn benefit yourself?
then do these 5 things
1) join the forums
just go here and sign up, its the best place to get advice help or anything and will help you get on your way

2) be informed about candidates
Do not just vote for the heck of it, the prime minister is an important job believe it or not, so don't just click buttons, you may just doom us all.

3) buy lottery tickets
you can make a lot of money and support our government at the same time, its a win win!

4) buy stuff
want to help get our economy back on track, whilst furthering yourself? do not hold on to your money! thats not saying you can't save, but buy products such as houses and higher quality food, to both help you get better faster, and make our economy get better faster. Alsoany money you want to save, invest and get more bang for your buck.

5) join the navy
i can't stress enough how awesome the navy is, especially for new players. The community will help you get on your way, and give you enough battles to fight in so that you gain ranks quicker. On top of this you are helping your country! so what are you waiting for!

basically these are the five things you can do to help both yourself and the country, so do them its important
