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UZP Reformed!!!

2 Day 933, 14:22 Published in Israel Israel

The United Zionist Party has been reformed. First Party in eIsrael to do so. I Urge all former members to rejoin as soon as possible and message me for the links to our official forum.

If your new and interested in joining message me for more

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Future bright for eIsrael

12 Day 933, 08:31 Published in Israel Israel

Okay Quick article

Future looks bright for eIsrael. All our regions back 2200 plus people. Over 1000 people in Babyboom. Bigger eIsrael has ever been.More people will come too especially those who moved abroad during the occupation. lets try to

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Congrats PK and a lot of stuff

22 Day 928, 20:00 Published in Israel Israel

*vote and subscribe please*

Results: 134- PK 94 -Gavin

Okay its clear PK has one the election. I congratulate him as eIsraels next President and he has my full respect and faith. I hope he leads eIsrael in the right direction. I will … read more »

Vote For Gavin

11 Day 928, 07:26 Published in Israel Israel

The election has already begun If you havent decided who you want to vote for yet let me try to convince you to vote for Me Gavin Wax.

Me and my running mate e70md have been proposing new ideas left and right. We have established a detailed and

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This Pissed me Off and now Im setting the record straight

37 Day 926, 13:04 Published in Israel Israel

Franz Kafkas Article entitled "Respect to eTurkey"

"You have attacked us again. Fair enough - we didn't sign up to the peace deal you offered us.

By attacking today, and not earlier, you are showing that you are attacking for

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