Congrats PK and a lot of stuff

Day 928, 20:00 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax
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Results: 134- PK 94 -Gavin

Okay its clear PK has one the election. I congratulate him as eIsraels next President and he has my full respect and faith. I hope he leads eIsrael in the right direction. I will talk more about this towards the end of this long article in the mean time continue to read.

I think all things considered I did quite well.

PK had the backing of not only Shalom but the IFM and Consolidation and Sababa. The latter 2 unofficially but he did whether you want to believe it or not. He will be announcing his cabinet hopefully soon and he struck a deal to hand over A large portion of his future Cabinet to Sababa. This all came after he told me he was interested in Forming a Coalition to Combat Sababa and was worried about some of their radical views (Disbanding the eIDF and so on) This is all another story but shows just a little bit of eIsraeli politics behind the scenes and all the back stabbing trickery and double crossing.

All together he had about 260 people behind him in all the parties. I had less then 90 with just the sole support of UZP.

That coupled with the huge opposition me and e70md faced over our new ideas and campaign we have been calle😛

Not Fit to lead the country
Unaware of whats going on in eIsrael
Power hungry

Just too name a few.

Im not going to bother addressing any of those individually it just wouldnt be worth it. We wrote whole articles dedicated to addressing the the "Fears" people had in our other articles and it didnt do much because we where still shut down at every turn.

Actually our campaign was shut down just as it started... Maybe because their was no other campaign to shut down besides ours.

We worked very hard published articles and getting translations and working with a whole team of people to get things done.

I would like to personally thank everyone who helped me in this campaign and voted for me I owe you a lot and cannot express my gratitude.

I have learned a lot from this election and it was a good time overall.

Now on to UZP News.

The United Zionist Party has lacked leadership organization and activity for quite some time. We have been considered a Joke party and a dying party due to our poor performance at Knesset elections and our inability to reach our full potential.

I would just like to say to all UZP detractors out their this is about to change.

Me and e70md have been working day and night on top of the campaign to get the UZP upa nd running again.

We have started a massive Recruitment Drive
Created New External Forums
Process of creating a Charter/Manifesto
Re branding our party as Bilingual Friendly
Establishing a new Generation of UZP Leadership to lead this party into the future (Party Positions)

UZP rebirth has begun and you all better watch out 🙂

Of course every time we put hard work into something we usually find people who have to make problems. EX UZP party members no less.

Oh well we will continue to get this party back into shape despite that.

Now onto other news.

eIsrael is being invaded by the Turks....Again.

They say its not related to RL but bring up RL at every opportunity they can get.
When its not RL its the fact we refused their peace ultimatum (The one where they threatened us with Invasion and PTO)

This is when all eIsraelis must unite to fight the common enemy. We have to save our nation from destruction.

Now PK a few things I would like to tell you.

I hope this term more effort will be put to Economic and domestic affairs once of course this Turkish Threat has been pushed back and our treasury replenished.

Before this war our economy was in the crapper.

We had and still have a rubbish tax system which holds Israel back. We had no competition and few High Quality Companies. Less then half our population was employed. Low wages High Prices High Inflation generally High Cost of living.

Thats why PRIOR to the war we had a net loss via Migration with something along the lines of 30 eIsraelis leaving and only getting 7 new immigrants.

Our population was decreasing rapidly before the war. We went from close to 2000 people to like 1300. You do the math.

Its great we have a population boom now but it has to be a top priority of the government to Integrate and accommodate these news players so they can become active members of eIsrael. It will be of no use to us if they all die off or leave the game within a weak.

Make sure they have jobs, are learning to play the game, and getting active.

You can start with a better new player message that includes a LINK TO OUR FORUMS and the IRC channel. Those will be vital in helping new people.

We cant survive as a nation if our population doesnt grow.

There are countries with half our population and a far higher GDP then ours. Israel is clearly not living up to our full potential.

Also I hope you have a more vocal government this time around. We rarely heard from you or the government and its not very comforting. People like to know things are getting done and you are on top of everything. Weekly announcements stuff like that all makes the difference.

With that I wish you the best of luck in your next term and please stick it to those Turks.

Now there is somebody I owe an Apology too.

Franz kafka

Im sorry for being so hard on you I didnt mean to generate the mass hate that you received. I am sorry.

With that said I still dont agree with your views on RL Israel and a few things in game but I always thought you where a good president and you have my respect.

Again I Apologize.

Thank you everyone for voting for me and supporting me. I will continue to work hard for eIsrael and make it stronger.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Gavin Wax - Lover of Israel

*I had to rewrite this twice it didnt go through. *

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