This Pissed me Off and now Im setting the record straight

Day 926, 13:04 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Franz Kafkas Article entitled "Respect to eTurkey"

"You have attacked us again. Fair enough - we didn't sign up to the peace deal you offered us.

By attacking today, and not earlier, you are showing that you are attacking for the dynamics of the eRep game and not in response to RL events (which are very sad - and my condolences regarding the Turkish lives that were lost).

In eRepublik - we are adversaries, but I'd like to think we hold a certain degree of respect for each other.

So Respect to you Turkey for making this attack

Let the battle commence....

Franz Kafka"

Franz also called the Flotilla raid inexcusable and misuse of force and said nothing of the Israeli soldiers attacked in his shout.

He commended Turkish FM Article

Even though that article is clearly Anti Israel and is fueling the fire.

Now while some people will continue to commend and applaud turkey for its actions im going to grab a rifle and defend Tel Aviv to the last man.

I think a few things need to be set straight here:

1- No one in eIsrael should be Respecting Turkey in Anyway
2- The "Peace Offer" was more of an ultimatum threatening us with PTO why should we of ever accepted and it was just to buy time for them while they fought the greeks. How where we ever to trust them they would of most likely attacked again.
3- This war was FUELED on Anti israel and Antisemitic feelings in Turkey 100% to deny that and try to commend the turks is absolutely ridiculous

Israelis, jews, and every supporter of Israel I urge you to stand up to these Turkish Bullies and stop their attacks on Israel not only on the battlefield but the in the flow of Propaganda Articles they have been sending our way in an attempt to break our spirits.

Dont try to accept their version of events in the Gaza Flotilla incident in order to Befriend them. Stand up for your country and your homeland. Dont be a coward. We have beaten them before we will beat them again.

No one will bring down Israel

Now the Turks (FKs new friends apparently) Applaud him while we will fight on for this nation.