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Binda33 for Country President/Prime Minister. Again.

32 Day 1,745, 06:39 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Binda33 For Country President!

I've had nearly a full term as CP now and so far, so good!

I hate to blow my own horn but on these sorts of articles it really has to be done. This month we have achieved so many things.

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Binda33's Cabinet

36 Day 1,718, 04:58 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I would like to introduce my cabinet for August, should I be elected for Prime Minister:

August Cabinet

Prime Minister - Binda33
Vote me please. : … read more »

Binda33 for Prime Minister - more

23 Day 1,716, 01:34 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

This pic is from the new movie: The Campaign. So … read more »

Binda33 for Prime Minister

49 Day 1,712, 05:25 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Binda33 for Prime Minister in Australia

I would like to announce that I am running for Prime Minister in August.

I see a number of issues that I will try to address as Prime Minister. The most pressing being that we are missing part … read more »

[For our CP] Pictures with Great Aussie Things

21 Day 1,704, 22:11 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Our CP had some trouble finding pics with great Aussie things here, so I thought I'd help him out. 🙂


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