Binda33 for Country President/Prime Minister. Again.

Day 1,745, 06:39 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

Binda33 For Country President!

I've had nearly a full term as CP now and so far, so good!

I hate to blow my own horn but on these sorts of articles it really has to be done. This month we have achieved so many things.

We've freed our Country territories that were occupied by Indonesia.

It was tough at times, but with the help of our good allies and citizens, we managed to free ourselves of the Indo presence. There were some glorious battles in there that we can be very proud of. Our DoD staff was able to coordinate pretty well with our own MU's as well as allied troops.

We have had discussions and come to an agreement concerning land swapping with New Zealand, which will give us bonus resources.

This land swap will be starting within the next 24 hours or so and our Senate has approved this plan. If it all goes smoothly, we will have bonus resources and so will New Zealand.

We've had a dedicated and active Cabinet who have not slacked off!

I'm pretty proud of this part especially because I know from experience how well things can run when the right team is in place, and how badly if this is not so.

Our Departments of Information and Education have released regular articles to keep us informed as well as to educate our citizens. Foreign Affairs and Defence Department has been liaising with our allies to help coordinate battle damage and the DoD has kept battle orders up to date each day. Our Dept of Security has been screening new citizens to keep potential threats at bay. Finance Department never needs mentioning of course, because that department is always spot on. I hear that even Hyuu in the Ambassador Dept is doing stuff! 😉

I will be making very few changes to my staff if re-elected. I will post my prospective Cabinet in another day or two.

I ask for your vote, so that I can continue the good work that has been done this term.
