Binda33's Cabinet

Day 1,718, 04:58 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

I would like to introduce my cabinet for August, should I be elected for Prime Minister:

August Cabinet

Prime Minister - Binda33
Vote me please. 🙂

Deputy Prime Minister - TJ Norton
TJ was thinking seriously of running for Prime Minister himself but agreed to help me instead. Thanks TJ.

Minister of Finance - JasonWazza

Seriously the most active and enthused player I've seen in months in this game. He's had one term in Cabinet but it's been a spectacular one. I'm very impressed with his dedication. He also understands maths, which is a plus here! Paul Keating has been giving him some training and he's shaping up to be a fine MoF.

dMoF - Larsonmann
MoF Special Advisor - Paul J Keating

These guys will support Jason. Larsonmann was deputy last month and was recommended by Paul. Paul has had some technical issues and couldn't assure me that he would be available full time, so he will support Jason and train both Jason and Larsonmann. Between them all, the Ministry of Finance should be well covered.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional - Callumh123
Callum's back and is looking forward to this post. As Prime Minister, I'll be handling some of this myself but it's always good to have help.

MoFA Euro - Irule777
Irule has been in a few Cabinets now and usually does a good job. FA is a new area for him, and one that he should do well in.

MoFA Americas - TJ Norton

TJ is no stranger to Department of Foreign Affairs. His expertise here will be welcome.

dMoFA - Witherd1
Deputy in charge of MPPs - Vasilis Dionysos

Witherd has wanted to get involved in DoFA for some time. He's active and experienced. Vasilis is quite new and will be in charge of messaging CPs for renewals of MPPs. This is a good way for him to learn his way about in the DoFA.

Minister of Defence - SgtRock
SgtRock is the Commander of Seal Team 6! This is one of the nicest guys in eRep and always working his butt off in game too. He's organised and knows what he's doing. I don't know another player who is as dedicated.

dMoD (Orders and Assignments) - JasonWazza
dMoD (Strategic Advice) - Schoft
dMoD (MUs) - Scottty

Supporting the MoD we have Jason who is extremely active and involved. Jason will be learning the ropes as well as setting daily orders and liaising with the ADF. Schoft is a veteran here and will help to strategise and organise. Scottty knows our MUs and will help to coordinate their efforts.

Minister of Security - Sheraz
Sheraz has been in this department for a number of terms and knows what he's doing.

dMoS - GregMacgregor
Greg was a little too busy in RL to want to be a Minister himself but is happy to help out as a deputy.

Minster of Information - Super Christopher
Super Chris is back from a break and happy to have this role. He's looking forward to keeping our citizens informed.

dMoI - Eyebrows
Eyebrows is a veteran player but not usually involved in the Government and wants to have a go. He should be good backup for Super Chris

Minister of Education - Icetek
Icetek is a new citizen but not new to the game. He's very enthused about educating our players and has some ideas for his Ministry that he'll be implementing soon.

Aus Ambassador Leader - Hyuu
Hyuu has had this post before and will be taking it on again. He's been a great help to TJ this month who is the present Ambassador leader.

ADF Marshal - Majester

Marshal isn't a Cabinet position but I wanted to put Majester's name in somewhere because no cabinet would be complete without him.