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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

My (daniecox's) first newspaper, mainly from when I was in Belgium working against American/EDEN PTOers. It worked, they are now gone back to where they came from. I dropped this newspaper because the articles are not written very well (better now!), and because orgs are being removed for gold. Bye!

Phoenix's view on the peace treaty

4 Day 821, 15:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

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Peace in the eUK

Yesterday the eUK declared that it would be signing a peace treaty with Eden.

This has sparked some controversy, many people feel that

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American progress in the UK

7 Day 816, 15:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

They ha😛
3 campaign goals
6 neighbouring nations
7 months of threats
60,000 new EDEN babies

They've got:
1 free Belgium
Lots of Phoenix training wars
5 useless regions
6 medium raw materials
1500 dead accounts
lots of wasted gold

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Open letter to the failed EDEN PTOers of Belgium

35 Day 815, 13:03 Published in Belgium Belgium

Dear failed PTOers of Belgium,
This is an open letter addressed to those who voted through and/or proposed these laws: (10 GBP to Hungarian TO unit) (

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[No need to] Evacuate!

19 Day 810, 13:03 Published in Belgium Belgium

Dear citizens of Belgium, it seems as if EDEN [threw] a hissy fit, having not won the presidency, and not having the 2/3 congress majority needed to install an American puppet president. The economy is [not] about to die, and [there is no need to

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How to save Belgium from a PTO

8 Day 796, 07:13 Published in Belgium Belgium

There are American soldiers coming to PTO Belgium.
All of the candidates in this 'Belgian Defense Party' are American soldiers with EDEN avatars. Their aim is to make Belgium

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