Open letter to the failed EDEN PTOers of Belgium

Day 815, 13:03 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Astrodew

Dear failed PTOers of Belgium,
This is an open letter addressed to those who voted through and/or proposed these laws: (10 GBP to Hungarian TO unit) (Minimum wage change to 200 BEF) (Food VAT and income tax up to 50😵
And is a response to their article One sided propaganda

1. Belgium for RL Belgians is xenophobic, not racist. It does not say one race is worse than another, it is just a call for the PTOers to leave

2. You may be RL Belgian, but then why did you sign up as part of a party founded by and voted for by the American military? Surely a RL Belgian who really cares would have come rushing back at the first opportunity, and have run with a Belgian party?

3. Looking at some of those forum links, I see Manong Rizal, Apotygma, Olv, Joffroi and yourself on the first page:
'Where do you see Olv in this debate? Strange coz I don’t see him. Surely a president must have some opinion or input on matters of how to preserve our neutrality?' - maybe you should get your eyes tested?

4. I see Apotygma (the only person to have replied) on the housing tax change, Olv and Apotygma on the gift tax change and Apotygma again on the weapon tax change. I guess you were just hoping no-one would follow your links, and just trust your lies. Here, you can check:

5. How will someone who 'doesn’t speak dutch, French or German' be of any use in the translation team? Surely even ThomasRed is able to use Google translate as well as Jasonalwaysready.

6. With a neutral country, who needs a military? Apotygma and Manong made far more contributions than any of your other congress members

7. As you can see, you are a PTO force, having tried to destroy the economy, and now you are trying to make the average Belgian believe that you have the interests of Belgium at heart. It is clear the only reason you are here is tactical voting from EDEN soldiers (almost all of your congress votes were cast in the final hours of the election, displaying the sort of organisation that only a PTO force could). Why else would your congress members still sport US military avatars? Why would they care about a free Belgium, other than to further the military goals of their home country?