[No need to] Evacuate!

Day 810, 13:03 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Astrodew

Dear citizens of Belgium, it seems as if EDEN [threw] a hissy fit, having not won the presidency, and not having the 2/3 congress majority needed to install an American puppet president. The economy is [not] about to die, and [there is no need to leave, as congress is once again secure].
These were both proposed, and one has already been accepted, by the EDEN members of congress. Manong Rizal, and members of his pro-Belgium BfB have saved the situation, [and with] a majority of congress their efforts are [un]likely to be in vain:
It is advisable [that you tell your friends about eRrepublik, and increase the eBelgian population - that way there is unlikely to be another PTO in the future]
Good luck Belgium!
PS Remember this [if and when] you consider which alliance to join - hopefully [that] will [have been] the third and final pro-EDEN PTO.