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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

My (daniecox's) first newspaper, mainly from when I was in Belgium working against American/EDEN PTOers. It worked, they are now gone back to where they came from. I dropped this newspaper because the articles are not written very well (better now!), and because orgs are being removed for gold. Bye!

How to beat America with a moving ticket

6 Day 796, 03:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

They come to PTO Belgium.
All of the candidates in this 'Belgian Defense Party' are American soldiers with EDEN avatars. Their aim is to make Belgium into a blocking country,

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3 Day 792, 13:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Belgium is under threat from a PTO by parties run by Polish and Romanian private PTO militias. We will need all of the votes we can get to stop them turning Belgium into an anti-Phoenix puppet state, ready to do EDEN's bidding - which will probably

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Fighting the PTO

12 Day 792, 12:08 Published in Belgium Belgium

Hello, I am daniecox, a former citizen of the UK. I am running for congress on behalf of Belgium - not a private militia. Whilst I do feel that it is a shame that Belgium has been forced from their willing union with the UNL, I will work with the

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17 Day 791, 10:26 Published in Belgium Belgium

I want to know whether there is a party in which I can run for congress for, against the three EDEN parties which currently exist,one of which is controlled by former members of The Group, one of which has an owner who writes the 'EDEN media group'

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Hello Kitty! Why so sad? / Miért olyan szomorú?

3 Day 771, 17:57 Published in Hungary Hungary

As of 13 hours ago, the borders of Helionjiang have been changed, so that it now borders Inner Mongolia. This is very convenient for the US, as they now don't have to go through Liaonang to attack (no accusation!).

From open letter (http://www.

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