Special German Edition! Italy betrays Austria!

Day 501, 16:23 Published in Germany South Africa by Epic Thoughts

I want to allow the Italian people to understand that your leaders fooled no one. The actions of your government, and the alliance that pulls its leash, have put every single citizen who lives under the proud Red, White, and Green colors of your nation in an incredibly poor light.

No one expects anything better from Romania or Indonesia. Those two countries are so full of themselves they should be labeled gluttons. But, there was a fraction of the population who felt the Italian presence and funding of the resistance against The German-Austrian Union might have been a good thing. Those people thought, “Heck, I might have tried to help Austria, if I felt they were being forced into it,”.

But the moment your government enacted this slimy political take over, any thoughts of Italian honor went straight out the damn window.

And you know who is ultimately to blame for this take over?

The Italian people. These are the people you elected. These are the people you put into the office. And their jack boots are marching into Austrian held regions as we speak now!

Don’t like someone shoving the truth in your face? Don’t like seeing what you’ve allowed your country to become? Then fix it. You can vote. Get these people out of offices. Ruin their careers, force them into hiding. Make it so they can’t ever run for another office for the rest of the time they play eRep.

Or don’t. Don’t do a damn. Just sit on your hands, allow this crap to keep continuing, and prove everyone in the world right.

You want to hate ATLANTIS? Fine. You want to tell me ATLANTIS does take overs too? I’ll tell you right now you’re right. But if you wait around for someone else to fix the problems, they’re going to get bigger. And right now, Italy is the source of the most pressing problem.

Fix it. Fix it, or show everyone that you’re just a thug like the people you voted into the office.