ARMY making a comeback...please no.

Day 535, 19:37 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

I know the eAmerican government wants you to believe that the Army is a good thing. It'll be promotions and hugs and all that other crap...
Quote in Moishe article:

"While we shall still maintain our Military forums in conjunction with the Marines (Oooh-rah!) and National Guard (Hoooah!) someone from the Army will make a regular appearance on the Official eUSA forums on a regular basis to answer questions and try to handle any problems that may occur. We are only human and problems will most definitely turn up. We are, however, placing a special emphasis on handling these things as expeditiously as possible."

What the hell do you people do again??!

Quote 2
"Concerning some things that we have planne😛 we hope to be able to create a Special Forces Division, perhaps called the “Ranger”, or the e501st, or something truly elite to handle those Military oriented individuals who are waiting to move on to the Marines. Who knows? Perhaps they will even stay with the Army!"

Really? The tough as nails warriors will stay with the
The Marine's don't need to stay with Army or place themselves in a lower branch.
I say we scrap the Army...what say you?
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