Hintergrund an/aus

Nadjite uljeza...

31 Tag 1,205, 05:02 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia

Imate malu pomoc.. 😉

... sa preko 5.000 ljudi u eVojvodini.

Ma nema veze, ceo svet je nas kako rece fib, ne treba nam to.

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Sta par misija moze da napravi od bojkota ?

23 Tag 1,204, 15:44 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia

Bio je lep bojkot dok je trajao... :/

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Extra Extra: Continue the row !

24 Tag 1,199, 16:58 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia



[img]http://www.thewashingtonnote.[/img] … mehr »

Extra Extra: World in chaos[exclusive pics]

29 Tag 1,199, 04:45 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia

Dear readers, limited freedom of speech started from last night, so i will not put some long wall text, only few pics from streets of eRepublik. I'm writing this under constant danger to go in "prison" !

Day 1: New laws are proposed mehr »

Peace at home, peace at world

27 Tag 1,198, 10:28 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia

From delusion lead me to the truth,
from darkness lead me to the light.
From death lead me to immortality.

Let there be peace everywhere !

When the five senses and mind are still, and reason itself

Rest in silence, mehr »