Extra Extra: World in chaos[exclusive pics]

Day 1,199, 04:45 Published in Serbia Serbia by Admiral Yamamoto
Dear readers, limited freedom of speech started from last night, so i will not put some long wall text, only few pics from streets of eRepublik. I'm writing this under constant danger to go in "prison" !

Day 1: New laws are proposed from Government, people had enough of this and in time of proposal, hundreds of people start gathering on squares. From unorganized mass of people over night all people stand up under one flag. Flag of liberty and dignity of all ehuman rights !

Day 2: Government send out their ePolice(FP and bans) on it's citizens, that didn't stopped people to gather underground on channel #Rebellion on rizon to reorganize for another strike.

We can see Day 2 in next few pics...

Last night, when people where not organized...

Well known underground leaders(Kistru, Cerber and many others...) where arrested and taken in prison in speedy action of police to cut down "snake" head. That was bad decision, that only flamed already angry mob !

We can see that angry people are not only ones who are getting injured, there are casualties on both sides...

Early this afternoon, at least 100k people gathered around square, what will happen with them and eWorld remains to see.

Please stay tuned with Extra, Extra... We will inform you daily from demonstrations from streets ! Maybe we will be shut down as newspaper if they found our secret room for printing news but there are thousands ways to write this ! Also sorry for bad English, hope you will understand message of this ! 🙂

P.S. As a rumor from underground resistance, peace will be all over eWorld as one way of protest, this is only a rumor, but we all hope that wars will stop.

Sincerely yours,
Marko Kawther