Extra Extra: Continue the row !

Day 1,199, 16:58 Published in Serbia Serbia by Admiral Yamamoto




Continue the row... 😃

Also big news:
1. Be at #Rebellion on rizon at 3:00 eRepublik time(to je za nas eSrbe, eHrvate, eMakedonce, eBosance... 12:00 po nasem vremenu) for an interesting meeting with admins !

2. http://www.erepublik.com/en/Serbia/law/68823 Hrvati na vas je red sada da ispadnete ljudi! Croatia shut down your NE against eSerbia as we are doing same !

Note: Player who wrote this is mentally unstable, so in that effort he cannot be punished. Tnx... :3

P.S. He asked it... :3
Interview with... hmmmm i don't know him... ;_;
[01:58:23] ariyan: first and last question...
[01:58:25] Are you fag ?
[01:58:30] YES
[01:58:34] tnx for interview
[01:58:38] a proud one

This is from channel #Rebellion on rizon, stay tuned for more news !

Sincerely yours,
Marko Kawther