The Polish gambit- UK, Spain, France, Eastern block

Day 791, 02:20 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

Today France was left with only one region. Now the question is: will Spain attack Corsica? What are the chances that Corsica will be conquered?

One look at the map will tell us first of all that Spain do not have a border with Corsica. In order to attack, they need to go thru Polish territory. This will not be a problem as the two countries can coordinate swapping territories. The more likely (and obvious scenario) is that Spain will attack Poland to get direct access to Corsica, Poland will retreat, Spain will attack another region under Polish control and retreat and then Poland will attack Spain and recover the lost region. Meanwhile Spain will attack Corsica, therefore in case Spain will lose the battle in Corsica France will not be able to attack.

So now: what are the chances that Spain will win against France (and MPPs) in the final battle? There has been significant forces gathering in Spain recently (over 1000 users with level 20 and up) so something is cooking up. But is that enough? Or is it worth the effort?

The battle of Franche Comte was a victory for Spain (wall was -200K when battle finished) but let's not forget that at the same time Poland is attacking UK and wall is more than 1000K plus. A victory in Corsica can only be combined with further attacks on UK (by Poland, Sweden and possibly USA). EDEN can only win if several battles are opened at the same time.

UK can be difficult to break for several reasons: they have many regions, they have many MPPs, they have the full support of Phoenix (as treacherous country from EDEN). I think that the attack on UK is a tactical battle to allow Spain win Corsica and ensure EDEN controls the mainland Western Europe and the result of it will be that EDEN will pull out sooner rather than latter from the UK territories (it will be interesting to follow USA actions as they have direct access to attack UK and they can change the strategy so that UK is under continuous attack; there is also a strong opinion in USA that UK should be attacked but this is subjective view and need to be coordinated with the game requirements).

EDEN should be careful in planning eventual retreat from the UK battlefield so that it not allows UK attack Poland, Sweden etc with their MPPs. A new swapping of territories will be required between Poland and Spain, Sweden might need to give up on the Dannish territories and allow UK back into the mainland Europe.

Poland should be careful in watching their Eastern back as Russia have direct access to attack them from Kaliningrad. Desperate measures for desperate times- but this is a possibility.

As already said before, EDEN is reaffirming as the main force in Western Europe and it is expected to gain full control and dissipate Phoenix influence. But a lot of cooperation is required and a lot of assistance will need to move quickly from supporting Spain to supporting Poland in the very near future. USA should also plan their moves carefully and some further action into Asia might be required.

Good luck EDEN!
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