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Bankers Balls

9 Day 1,393 ,18:10 在Ireland发布 Ireland 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

A little old lady went into the Bank of Canada one day, carrying a bag of money. She insisted that she must speak with the president of the bank to open a savings account because, "It's a lot of money!" After much hemming and hawing, the bank staff

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Congress Summary

12 Day 1,344 ,18:18 在Ireland发布 Ireland 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Good evening!

Today, I was planning on doing a reasonably long summary on the Dáil election results.
However, after seeing what happened to the Mayo candidates, I'm too … 更多 »

First Article for Ages

17 Day 1,340 ,16:00 在Ireland发布 Ireland 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Hello folks!
Good to be back in print. There won't be much content of my usual high standard 🙂 in this article, but I just noticed that I'm nearly 100 days without an article so I wanted to throw one together merely for the sake of it. 😃


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Testing Testing

11 Day 1,241 ,07:11 在Ireland发布 Ireland 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Just an article to test this new "Category" thing. 🙂
So, okay what "social interactions and entertainment" news do I have today? Well, I will probably have to make up some but mostly it is factual:

1: Our very own [url=http://www.

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*WARNING* Another Manifesto Inside (Don't Open!)

9 Day 1,192 ,05:13 在Ireland发布 Ireland

Hmmm...I thought I warned you not to open... 🙂

Anyway, now that you are here I may as well bore you with my spiel for 5 minutes.

Yes I am back, and better than ever (well maybe not better, probably a lot worse but I hope people are stupid

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