First Article for Ages

Day 1,340, 16:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Hello folks!
Good to be back in print. There won't be much content of my usual high standard 🙂 in this article, but I just noticed that I'm nearly 100 days without an article so I wanted to throw one together merely for the sake of it. 😃

Firstly, I want to wish you a Happy Pi Approximation Day (though it's pretty much over)! Hope it was a good day for you and that nothing irrational happened to you today.

And I also wish to make some quick comments in relation to the ongoing war with eUK.
In my opinion, things do look fairly ominous for us and I fear we will be wiped once again. I encourage you to keep fighting away in any case so that we at least go down fighting which will ensure we can retain our undoubted pride and honour.
Hopefully we can keep at least 1 region for Congress elections and have a Dáil again. If we have a Congress, then getting wiped subsequently won't hurt so much.

Presidential Evaluation
I feel Chance Harrison is doing a quiet but effective job as President. The lack of articles from him is slightly irking, but if he is doing his job then it barely matters.

As you may know, he made the risky decision to open another NE against eUK and there was a resulting auto-attack on NI.
We lost that battle, lost in Shannon and we look increasingly likely to be defeated in Wexford.

This has made the NE look like a extremely poor move; however, in reality it was the only viable plan of action.
A simple evaluation of our circumstances will verify this - the eUK have made it clear they wish to shut down our Congress again this month. We couldn't simply wait to see if they would declare first. We had to act first!
Through quick thinking, Chance did get there first and he has thus bought us some valuable time. Unfortunately, I doubt it will be enough though I am a cynical and pessimistic person so who knows...?

So, I will leave this belated article at that. I'm glad I didn't forget how to write them! 😛