*WARNING* Another Manifesto Inside (Don't Open!)

Day 1,192, 05:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Hmmm...I thought I warned you not to open... 🙂

Anyway, now that you are here I may as well bore you with my spiel for 5 minutes.

Yes I am back, and better than ever (well maybe not better, probably a lot worse but I hope people are stupid enough to vote for me anyway 😛)!

I haven't been in Congress since November I think and since my Presidency ended I haven't been actively involved in much. I have been around a lot everyday, I just have done pretty much nothing that's all.

But I hope that's about to change. I love being in Congress and I hope getting elected there will spark a revitalisation of my old ways when I used to get myself involved in a lot politically.

I still stand for largely the same policies I have always campaigned on. In a nutshell they are low taxes, strong military, a belief in the importance of our allies, Government accountability and the obvious things such as concern for new citizen welfare. A bit cliched really...everyone wants those!
But, I am very experienced in the eIrish political system and I feel I am more capable than most at campaigning for these important issues.

I am running in my "home region" of Cork and Kerry and I am on the Costume Party ticket, having moved over from the Cardboard Box Party for the election. I have no real loyalty to any party at the moment though, and I am still considering my options in that regard. I think one should consider me an Independent for the time being.

So, tomorrow on the same day you vote the RL John Gormley out of the Dáil, please vote this John Gormley into the Dáil.

Go raibh míle maith agat.