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Tanks and food for everyone! One lucky player will get 10 gold!

45 Day 1,322 ,10:33 在Serbia发布 Serbia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Do you remember those guys some half a year ago promising to give away 400 gold? But that didn’t happen. But they got not one, but two MM medals. For nothing!

Well, the same story happened again. Three Macedonian citizens (I won’t call them FYROM-

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ВТР код Клингонаца! Бре!

45 Day 1,319 ,10:17 在Serbia发布 Serbia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Знам колико ово желите, па ево, напокон да и ја нешто напишем на ћирилици. Истина, морао сам звати Гоогле мало у помоћ јер су давно била времена кад сам гледао програме БиХ као клинац са мамом кад је било досадно (тада је код нас био само ХРТ, није б

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New changes in elections and food consumption? Calm down and read this

46 Day 1,318 ,03:47 在Serbia发布 Serbia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

I know, you are all upset, swearing and cursing Plato. But just stop for a minute and let me explain you. There is a new change in food consumption and it changed for the better this time. Think of food consumption as of rechargeable laptop or cell

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Tko hoće raditi za 5 tenkova dnevno?

73 Day 1,317 ,10:29 在Serbia发布 Serbia 经济焦点 经济焦点

Odlučio sam oživiti svoj stari projekt.
A što reći? Kineski saveznici su mi odbili zahtjev za državljanstvom. Male šanse su za to bile

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Friendship (is the only viable solution)

29 Day 1,310 ,08:59 在Croatia发布 Croatia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Hello boys and girls, how are you, what have you been doing lately and what are you up to?
The thing is I'm a little bit bored with this version. How did you manage? Well, since this 6 hour change took place, my military rank is increasing

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