Tanks and food for everyone! One lucky player will get 10 gold!

Day 1,322, 10:33 Published in Serbia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

Do you remember those guys some half a year ago promising to give away 400 gold? But that didn’t happen. But they got not one, but two MM medals. For nothing!

Well, the same story happened again. Three Macedonian citizens (I won’t call them FYROM-anians because not the whole country of Macedonia deserves to suffer damage to its reputation because of these clowns) bojansheks, UrsaMKD and stefan8888 promised literally hundreds of tanks and food for vote, sub, add and shout.

Now, I never loved these actions, but hey, I’m a minority. But I asked a few people who were first to comment their three articles (just open their newspapers, you will find them with almost identical text and pics) if they got what was promised to them, and all answered NO!
So, if they don’t want to spend serious money to catch up with my 2 medals, I am not going to let them do it for free. I tell you all: remove them from your friend list and give them unsub.

Yo, you three musketeers, go fudge yourselves.

Oh, and the title’s purpose was not only to attract you here. I meant it. Who wants tanks, come and work for me, you get 5 tanks every day. And the 10 gold will get one lucky player. Only not from me.

Yo, musketeers, no live long and prosper for you lads. Drop dead and go to hell!