Friendship (is the only viable solution)

Day 1,310, 08:59 Published in Croatia North Korea by William Thomas Riker

Hello boys and girls, how are you, what have you been doing lately and what are you up to?
The thing is I'm a little bit bored with this version. How did you manage? Well, since this 6 hour change took place, my military rank is increasing rapidly (about 40 000 rank points per day). Actually, my exams started right before this was implemented, and since I have to study a lot (and sleep less), I have no problem simply logging in every 6 hours and fighting. Not yet, at least.

I’m sure most of you already saw this new eRepublik design. Frankly, it is full of lies just like the old one, but what bothers me is if they made the effort to change the design, why haven’t they removed those lies?

Claim a land and develop your economic empire
What the hell are they talking about? There is economy? And you can actually build an empire (well maybe if you buy gold)?

Fight against real people on the battlefield
Huh? Now I’m confused. I thought they removed the whole Rising together with the military module which was actually the only module in the whole eRepublik history where you actually fought another person, one sitting in the chair like yourself in front of computer.

I won’t ever bother to comment those quotes famous newspapers wrote about the game. I will say only it was about V1, not about this.

At the end I want to ask you one thing. Help me get as much friends as I can handle (I think something like the whole eRepublik population could do just fine fulfilling my social needs here). You don’t just make a number on my profile page. You influence my life here big time. Every time I log in, I read your shouts immediately after the fight is done. Various information, jokes, personal thoughts, quotes, your articles… all that I sop through your shouts. Since now I log in four times a day (four times more than before), I finish reading your shouts in 10 minutes. I need something to keep me here for like half an hour.

Spread the word, get people to know me and me to know them. Help my quest of searching the one thing that will always be interesting here (human stupidity, humor, ingenuity, interests, experiences, feelings …). I don’t have time to chat, so shouts make for me a perfect way of communication in this game. Everyone is welcome, as long as you shout in English, German, Italian, Latin, Serbian, Croatian or Klingon (not always, but sometimes so I can understand you).

Just one (tehnicaly two) of many reasons to be a friend of mine…

I, William Thomas Riker, being of sound mind and body (doubtful) ask you all to help me get as many friends you can, to yellow my alert button hundreds of times and satisfy my desire for more (females).

Picar😛 My good friends, make it so!
See? Even captain approves!

Peace! Uhoh, shi… I meant: Live long and prosper!