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Personal mouth piece of Franz Kafka. See also this publication:

New Campaign Theme Tune

1 Dia 482, 16:17 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

This says it all:

Vote for me!

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Candidature for Congress

6 Dia 482, 00:58 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

I've decided to run for congress again under United Slavs banner.

In addition to the United Slav principles, I will stand on the basis of this platform:

1. Supporting a stronger nation - more citizens, more diversity, stronger army … mais informações »

Nezavislost - where next?

6 Dia 481, 05:00 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

So just before the Party Presidential elections an unknown person puts their name forward for candidacy of Nezavislost (or at least unknown to me) - so ends up the only candidate.

I've seen no platform from him - his publication in fact resides

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Urgent Appeal!

10 Dia 481, 02:58 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Turks and Iranians are seeking to take over eIsrael by force!

They intend to do this through stealing the party elections!

eIsrael needs the help of it's great friends the eCzech people!

What can you do? Remember how brave … mais informações »

Are we strong enough alone?

13 Dia 479, 08:37 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Seeing the level of activity in our tiny nation trail to whimper... our economy stumble... our currency rate fluctuate... and our political scene stagnate... I wonder if it is not time for a more radical solution?

Sadly, in recent days, the

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