Are we strong enough alone?

Day 479, 08:37 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka

Seeing the level of activity in our tiny nation trail to whimper... our economy stumble... our currency rate fluctuate... and our political scene stagnate... I wonder if it is not time for a more radical solution?

Sadly, in recent days, the political scene has narrowed, and participation in particular for non-Cezchs in particular seems to fallen away. And perhaps not suprising as the last election saw a non-Czech pitted against a IRL Czech and it seemed to me that a large majority of IRL Czechs voted for him. All well and good, but without the non-Czechs this country would disappear from all viability.

aAustria faced a similar dilemma recently, and has embarked upon a radical process of merger with eGermany. Perhaps this model holds some ideas for us?

So I ask this to strike up debate. And please don't shoot me for raising the question... but are we still viable as a a nation? Could we, our businesses and our political clout in world be better served through political union with another country?

Now there would have to be some basic guidelines for such a union. First we must agree a common language, and principles for a peaceful union, not domination by one or the other country. Second we must seek a process of merging our political parties. Third, we would need to bond our economies in a way which is sustainable for all.

So if we did do this union - who would it be with?

The obvious choice would be a slavic country - language issues would be less. Perhaps a union with Slovakia? Although the IRL history may make this unviable. Or perhaps a union of Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic?

I know this has been tried before, but as I understand it, this was with the use of some force. We would need to ensure that this nation a received an overwhelming level of support (say 75% of vote by referendum) - and we would need to propose this new nation to the admins so that it could not be broken up by resistance wars.

Again - don't shoot me for suggesting it, but this could be a root to a stronger country and better economic opportunities for us all.

Please make your comments below.... (please use nice language!)

Franz Kafka